

The heart has long been considered the most important organ in the body.

In the fourth century B.C., the Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that our intelligence stemmed from the heart. During the Renaissance, the heart was seen as the centre of emotion. People also marvelled at its power and how it worked. The great artist Leonardo DaVinci drew a detailed study of the heart, examining its chambers and trying to understand how this remarkable muscle operated.

Today we have a much more precise understanding of the heart. And even though it’s not the organ that directly allows us to think or feel, it plays a pretty significant role in keeping us healthy and alive. That’s why so many of us make sure we do our best to take care of our heart and cardiovascular system. Here’s a closer look at our heart and what keeps it ticking.


The simplest way to think of your heart is that it is a pump. The heart is responsible for circulating blood throughout your body, which provides oxygen and nutrients to all the other organs and keeps things running smoothly. How much work does your heart do? According to the American Heart Association, the average adult heart beats about 100,000 times and pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood a day. That means that by age 70, your heart will have beaten more than 2.5 billion times.

Your heart consists of four chambers. (The two upper chambers are called atria, and the two lower chambers are called ventricles.) Blood flows in and out of these chambers through one-way valves. The valves closing cause the thumping noise you associate with your heartbeat.

The heart powers the larger cardiovascular system in your body. The system also includes your arteries and veins, which carry blood. The left ventricle pumps out oxygen-rich blood, which then flows through the body through the arteries. Once depleted of oxygen, the blood travels back to the heart via your veins and enters through the right ventricle. Blood is then sent to the lungs to get a new supply of oxygen and goes back to the heart for continuous circulation.


Your heart is made of cardiac muscle, which, unlike other muscles in the body, never gets tired. That’s why this amazing organ can pump 24/7. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take good care of your heart, though. It’s pretty simple to maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular systems, like most things it starts with diet and exercise.


A daily regimen of exercise means you’ll give your heart a good workout and keep the blood flowing in the body. The American Heart Association recommends that people should aim for either 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week. Of course, watching what you eat is also important. It’s a good idea to figure out how many calories you should be eating in order to maintain a healthy weight. And eating vegetables, whole grains, poultry and fish are always smart choices. It’s also easy to include in your diet vitamins and supplements that support heart health. Here are some of our most popular.


Co Q-10 is a key antioxidant and an important compound in your body that contributes to cardiovascular wellness and energy production within your heart.** If you’re looking to support a healthy heart and blood pressure levels that are within a normal range, Co Q-10 does just that.** It also promotes oral and gum health, which is linked to cardiovascular health.**


Fatty Acids – Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 – are important for metabolic and cellular health.** Omega-3 Fatty Acids’ role in heart health is particularly noteworthy.** The National Institutes of Health recognizes that Omega-3 from fish oil can be beneficial for several cardiovascular measures.** Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. See supplement facts panel for omega-3 content. They also help maintain triglyceride levels that are already within a normal range.**


Flax is one of the best plant sources of Omega-3 fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acids (ALA). It’s a natural source of heart-healthy nutrients that contribute to cardiovascular health**. Flax is also a great option for vegetarians who can’t consume fish oil.


Phytosterols are compounds which occur naturally in vegetable oils and fat, but are not synthesized in humans.** Phytosterols have been identified as one of the reasons why Mediterranean diets are so heart healthy.**


“Beauty sleep” is more than just an old wives’ tale. As we slip into slumber and dream of tropical vacations, our skin is busy regenerating and repairing cells, especially during REM (rapid eye movement). While it can be hard to resist falling into bed after a long day without a care in the world, spending a few extra minutes to take care of your skin on a daily basis will leave you with radiant skin for the next day and beyond. After cleansing and removing daily life from your face—makeup, pollution, dust, car fumes—it’s time to restore skin with a night cream. Here are 5 common myths about this important (and often skipped) skincare step.


“Can’t I just use my day cream?” Is a common question regarding night cream, and while technically you can use your day moisturizer, it’s a little more complicated than that. The day cream is generally lighter than night cream and contains SPF to protect skin from the sun. Some sunscreens can clog pores, so using it at night isn’t ideal. Plus, you may not get the extra hydration skin needs at night. Daytime moisturizers are designed to protect skin from the elements it is exposed to; in turn, night creams are designed for skin hydration and replenishment.


If you think you’re too young for a night cream, guess again. The production of collagen, a major building block in the maintenance of hair, skin, and nails, may begin to decrease as early as age 25. Many night creams contain ingredients that contribute to skin health like Vitamin C, collagen, Co Q-10, and hyaluronic acid. Adding a night cream to your skincare routine is an important measure in maintaining a youthful complexion through your 20’s and beyond.


I used to think night cream was just another beauty product I didn’t need, and another way for companies to dupe people into buying something until I actually starting taking skin care seriously and using a night cream.  Instead of waking up with dry, tight skin, my complexion began to appear more replenished and radiant. The night cream isn’t a “magic potion” like some of the glossy, airbrushed advertisements may claim; however, in conjunction with consistent cleansing, a nutritious diet, and proper hydration, it does make a difference. Take it from a former sceptic!


While we sleep, our skin naturally loses moisture. Combine that with the suboptimal conditions (like a dry home, an overheated room, a poor diet, and not drinking enough water) and instead of waking up looking refreshed, your skin will feel dry, dehydrated, and tight, resulting in looking tired and run down. Enter night cream: a richer, thicker, and heavier formula designed to hydrate and support ageing skin. Night creams contain ingredients that hydrate slowly over several hours, like hyaluronic acid to help with the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles (which work better when sunscreen doesn’t interfere). In the morning your skin will appear plump and nourished, and it will feel soft and supple. You might even find yourself wearing less makeup as your complexion improves!


One of the biggest myths about skincare is that if the product is more expensive, it has better ingredients; however, this is a common misperception. High-end luxury brands can and do charge more for the name, fancy bottles, and marketing through celebrity spokespeople. Many pricey night potions contain “fragrance” or “perfume” as the first listed ingredient—a sign that you may not be getting the best ingredients for your skin. Don’t equate more money with better skincare; always read the label!


Thyroid issue is a condition which affects the thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck. The thyroid gland has an important job to regulate several metabolic processes throughout the human anatomy. The thyroid gland creates two thyroid hormones Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4).  Various types of thyroid disorders affect either its shape or characteristic.

The majority of thyroid gland function issues involve abnormal creation of thyroid hormones. Too much thyroidal hormone outcomes in a condition known as Hyperthyroidism. Insufficient hormone creation turns to Hypothyroidism.

Despite the fact that the effects can be unpleasant or uncomfortable, the majority of thyroid problems can be handled well if properly clinically diagnosed.



People of all ages and races can get thyroid disease. However, women are 5 to 8 times more likely than men to have thyroid problems. Every individual sufferer may have any number of these signs and symptoms, and they will vary with the severity of the thyroidal hormones deficit. You may have one of these signs and symptoms as your main issue, while another will not have that difficulty at all and will be suffering from an entirely various symptom. Most people will have a combination of these symptoms. Occasionally, some sufferers with hypothyroidism have no symptoms at all, or they are just so discreet that they go unobserved.

If you have these signs and symptoms, you need to go over them with your doctor. Additionally, you may need to look for the skills of an endocrinologist. 


  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Goitre
  • Thyroidal Nodules
  • Thyroidal cancer


Loss Of Thyroid Tissue: Treatment of hyperthyroidism through radioactive destruction of thyroidal tissue (even operative elimination of thyroidal tissue) can result in hypothyroidism.

Antithyroid Antibodies: Antibodies are made by our immune system to protect our body from bacteria and viruses. When harmful things invade your body, antibodies destroy them. Sometimes, our body makes something called antithyroid antibodies to attack our thyroid gland by mistake. That can lead to too much or too little thyroid hormones.

Inborn Defects in the production of thyroidal hormone thyroid disorders in infancy, childhood and adolescence represent common and usually treatable endocrine disorders. Thyroid hormones are essential for normal development and growth of many target tissues, including the brain and the skeleton. Thyroid hormone action on critical genes for neurodevelopment is limited to a specific time window, and even a short period of deficiency of TH can cause irreversible brain damage.

Medication: A hyperactive thyroidal caused due to medication will usually boost once the medication is discontinued. It may take several months for your thyroidal hormone levels to return to normal.

Iodine: An additional level of iodine in the human anatomy can be the reason to produce excess thyroid hormones. Also, too little intake of iodine can lead to hypothyroidism.


High levels of content called human chorionic gonadotrophin in the human anatomy – This can occur in early pregnancy, multiple maternity} or molar maternity (where tissue remains in the womb after unsuccessful maternity)

A Pituitary Gland Adenoma – It is a non-cancerous (benign) tumour of the pituitary gland  (a gland located at the base of the brain that itself can affect the level of hormones produced through the thyroid).

Thyroiditis – Soreness of the thyroidal, which can result in extrathyroidal hormones being produced.

Thyroid Cancer – Rarely, a cancerous thyroid tumour can affect the production of thyroid.


  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Fat gain or additional difficulty in losing weight
  • Coarse and dry hair
  • Dry and rough pale skin
  • Hair loss
  • Cold intolerance (you can’t tolerate cold temperatures like those around you)
  • Muscle pain and frequent muscle aches
  • Constipation
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Memory damage
  • Abnormal menstrual cycles
  • Paid down sexual desire


  • Blood Lab testing
  • TSH is the most common screening test
  • Ultrasound of thyroidal
  • Thyroid Scan
  • Thyroid fine needle biopsy (gets a small tissue to look under a microscope)


  • What is the reason for my underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)?
  • Do I have Hashimoto’s disorder?
  • What do the results of my blood test mean?
  • How long will I need medicine for my hypothyroidism and what is the result?
  • What TSH level will you use as a focus for me?
  • After I’m in the optimal range, how often do you suggest I come back for blood tests to make sure my dosage needs haven’t changed?
  • Am I at risk for related health issues?
  • How quickly can I expect relief from my hypothyroid signs and symptoms?
  • Are there any lifestyle modifications I can make to ease my signs and symptoms?

Once you have the answers to above these questions, your doctor will have a better understanding of your worries and needs and can take all the information into consideration in creating a thyroidal management plan in discussion under you.


The main causes of thyroid disease are diet and lifestyle factors that imbalance the digestive fire or Agni and metabolism. Stress and overwork also play an important part as this causes imbalanced Agni and vitiation of the Dosh.

We have a solution of Thyroid in our product. It is Ayurvedic and totally safe. It has no side effects. Our Thyroid supplement contains ingredients like-

Allium Sativum (Garlic Ext.), Rasayan ( Sudh Gandhak), Curcuma longa ( Haldi Ext.), Cichorium Intybus ( Kasni Ext.), Commiphora Wightii ( Kachnar Guggal Ext.), Coriandrum Sativum which help to cure your Thyroid Disease.

For best results, you can try our Ayurvedic medicine for ThyroidThyroblis – Ayurvedic Supplement For Thyroid