Hypothyroidism in Children
Hypothyroidism in Children – Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is underactive and produces an insufficient amount of thyroid hormones. It can also be diagnosed in children as well, there are different symptoms of hypothyroidism in children in accordance with the distinctive age group. Intellectual disability caused due to untreated hypothyroidism in newborns. and profound developmental delays. Let us know more about hypothyroidism in children below.

Hypothyroidism in children is an extremely serious issue that needs time attention to cure this issue. Gaining access to weight is one of the most coming symptoms of hypothyroidism in children. Diagonizing hypothyroidism early in children is important to get rid of this disease. Here below is more information regarding hypothyroidism in children.
Causes of Hypothyroidism in Children
One of the major causes of hypothyroidism in children is family disease history. Children whose parents, grandparents, or siblings have hypothyroidism are at a higher risk for thyroid disease.
Graves’ disease or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, more commonly appear during puberty known as Autoimmune conditions, These thyroid conditions more frequently affect girls than boys.
Other common causes of hypothyroidism in children include:
- Not enough iodine in a child’s diet.
- Being born with a nonfunctional thyroid or without a thyroid gland. (also called congenital hypothyroidism)
- Improper treatment of a mother’s thyroid disease during pregnancy.
- Abnormal pituitary gland.
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism in Children
Children can experience the symptoms at different age groups. In the first few weeks or months after birth In newborns, symptoms occur. The symptoms are subtle and can be missed by parents and doctors. Symptoms include:
- eyes turn white and skin turns yellow
- constipation
- poor feeding
- cold skin
- decreased crying
- loud breathing
- sleeping more often/decreased activity
- larger soft spot on the head
- a large tongue
Toddlers and Gradeschoolers
Depending on the child’s age the effect of hypothyroidism varies. Thyroid conditions in young children may appear as:
- shorter than average height
- shorter than average limbs
- permanent teeth that develop later
- puberty that starts later
- slowed mental development
- a heart rate that is slower than average
- hair may be brittle
- facial features may be puffy
Adult hypothyroid symptoms
- tiredness
- constipation
- dry skin
- Teens
In teenagers, hypothyroidism often occurs more in girls compared to boys. and it’s most commonly due to the autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. With a family history like such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, or type 1 diabetes are at a higher risk for developing thyroid disease.
Symptoms in teens resemble those in adults. But, the symptoms can be vague and hard to recognize. Teenagers experience the following physical symptoms:
- Weight gain
- Slowed growth
- Being shorter in height
- Looking younger than age
- Slowed breast development
- Later start to the period
- Heavy or irregular menstrual bleeding
- Increased testicular size in boys
- Delayed puberty
- Dry skin
- Brittle hair and nails
- Constipation
- Puffiness in the face, hoarse voice, larger thyroid gland
- Muscle and joint pain and stiffness
Teenagers with hypothyroidism may also have changes in behavior that are less obvious. Those symptoms include:
- Tiredness
- Forgetfulness
- Mood or behavior problems
- Difficulties with school performance
- Depressed mood
- Trouble concentrating
How is hypothyroidism treated?
Prescription of thyroid hormones to replace the deficient hormones is included in treatment Some children will require hormone replacement therapy for the rest of their lives, while others can go out of this disease, often by the age of three.
Regular monitoring of the child’s thyroid hormone levels during treatment, including 30-day discontinuation of treatment after age three years to see how the thyroid responds, can help your child’s doctor diagnose your child’s condition more accurately.
The aforementioned is the entire information about hypothyroidism in children, there are distinctive symptoms and causes in the different age groups of children. It is extremely necessary to get the treatment on time and to check the symptoms of hypothyroidism in children.